Tuesday, November 07, 2006


check it out. I could sit and listen to this for hours. I have issues. I also have a long history of being easily amused by this like this. I think it's the mindlessness of the thing. Well, that and I am really bored with my life right now. Bored and lonely. I never realized how working 2nd shift would alienate me from everyone. Weird thing is that I like working nights, I love getting up at 10 and going to bed around 2am. Maybe I'm just whiny. Or need to get laid. I dunno.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Adventures in cooking

A few nights ago I decided I wanted Rice Krispie Treats. Badly. Like I obsessed over them all day at work. The world was filled with two kinds of people, those with RKT's and those without. I wasn't going to be content with one of those pre-packaged ones either, I had to have one just like mom used to make. Fresh, delicious, made with love. Just like mom's. So I did what any 30-something man would do. I decided to make my own. Thus the adventure begins...

I have no idea how one goes about making these things. All I know is that it will require cereal and marshmallows, most likely mixed using heat. With these thoughts I searched the house. I found an opened bag of marshmallows. When they were opened I have absolutely no idea. I cannot fathom why I would have purchased them. But I have most of a 16 ounce bag, so now I just need cereal. Rice Krispies to be exact. Which we have none of.
Off to the local Pick and Save I go. I head in and go straight to the Rice Krispie aisle. There are 3 different types of these things?!? Chocolate, regular and something called Berry Krispies. I am intrigued by the thought of berry flavoured treats so I snag the biggest box there is. And a box of regular ones, since the recipe is printed on the normal box. I buy the other items you need for the treats (butter) and I head home. I am now excited as hell. I am going to have my treats!! Well, at some point at the store I set down and then forgot to pick back up the box with the recipe on it.
Internet to the rescue!!! Three minutes and one sheet of paper later I have the recipe again. I start to cook the marshmallows and butter. Being impatient I decided low heat is for wimps. I want High Heat, not this wussy Low heat bullshit! If it takes 4 minutes on low, it should take 2 on high. That's logic! Approximately 3.467 minutes later I have a saucepan filled with melted marshmallow goo. 1.3 minutes later I discover a basic fact about sugar-based confectionery...if cooked too long they melt and then caramalize. Not knowing any better, I keep adding marshmallows until I am out of them. The recipe called for 10 ounces, what's a few more?I now have a saucepan filled with a gooey, strangly brownish coloured, bubbling stuff. So I add the berry Krispes. Which are the most festive shades of pink and purple. These will be the least manly dessert ever. I start adding the cups of Krispies without lowering the heat, I mean, we wouldn't want the caramel..err..marshmallows to harden, now would we? Sometime while counting out the cups I realize I was supposed to remove the pan from the heat.
Now in a panic, I have lost track of how many cups o' festive Krispies I have added, so I add 4 more cups and decide that must be enough. (the recipe calls for 6) Now I am attempt to stir the slowly congealing mush. After breaking a wooden spoon I turn to metal. Which bends. I decide this means they are ready for the tray. Now, the good people at Kellogg recommend you spread the molten mass of goodness with a spatula, liberally sprayed with cooking spray. I have cooking spray, but no spatula. The mass of melted sugar and Krispies looks cool, is not so hot I can't touch it, and is rapidly being to stick to the saucepan. I decide to spray my hand with cooking spray and smooth out the goo by hand. So I take the bent spoon (which is now part of the mass of goo) and use it to coax the molten death out of it's saucepan unto the nice inviting glass cakepan. It slowly obliges me and forms a mound in the centre. So I smooth it out. With my carefully prepared no-stick hand. This works for about 1.7 seconds. Then I am screaming and diving at the sink to attempt to remove the festive pink and purple lava that is eating it's way through my hand. A few minutes of cold water later I sacrifice another spoon to smooth out the pan. Now the fun begins, I decide that the best way to cool the tray is to put it in the fridge. I manfully resist the urge to toss it in the freezer.
Now I wait...
and wait...
and wait...
and wait...
While I wait, I drink.
and drink..
and drink...
and drink..
and drink..
and..well, you get the idea...
a few hours and beers later I revisit my tray of goodness. It looks just like the one mom used to make. Well, other then being pink. And purple. And having a spoon stuck in one end.
I now attempt to cut myself a piece. That is when I learned something about candy making. You see, I didn't make a dessert of Rice Krispies held together by gooey marshmallow, I made a whole new dessert. Rice Krspies held in stasis by hard candy. I actually bend a knife trying to cut these things. (for any one keeping score, that is 4 utensils murdered by these treats!) once I chisel out a piece, I damn near break a tooth biting it and cut my lip on a jagged edge, covering the treat in blood.
So what did I end up with? A blood flavoured brick of Rice Krispies and hard candy. So it wasn't a total failure.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My first day as a temp

I am rudely shocked awake by the alarm clock. The damn thing hasn't worked in weeks, but now, at 6 freakin am it chooses to work?!?


I hit snooze and settle back in to get another 11 minutes of sleep. Six minutes in, my cell phone alarm goes off. I have no idea how to make that thing snooze, so I turn it off the only way my sleep addled mind knows how...with a flight across the room. It shuts up with crunch against the wall. But now I am awake.


Now I remember why I am awake at the arse-crack of dawn. I actually have a job! A hot shower, a barking Rocketdog and hyper-excited Morte-dog (shut-up, I like hyphens!) later I am dressed and ready to go. I get into my car(after a 5 minute debate on whether I wanted to take my motorcycle instead) and look down at my once black pants. Problem with dealing with Rocketdog is that he is white and capable of shedding at will. Usually when I have someplace important to be. My pants are now white.


So it's back into the house to roller my pants. AND since I am in there, I decide to change my shirt from the blue to the black. I am sure it made sense at the time. Ok back to car. I am sure I am going to be late. I haven't driven in rush hour in months, so I have no idea what our messed up freeway is goin to be like. Evidently, at 7-ish in the am, it is empty. I get to my jobsite 30 minutes early.


So I go in and wait. Little did I know this was going to be the theme for the day. At about 8:15 (the start time was 8) the guy in charge enters the lobby. He looks at the 13 temps waiting for him and tells us that he will be stashing us in the lunchroom, since we don't have a work room set up yet. We walk roughly a mile through the building (it's the one with the giant clock) until we get to what will be our home, hopefully for the only the next few minutes. Being temp is like a mix of prison and high school. Everyone stares at you and noone talks to you. The only people talking to each other are the ones that have done this before. The new guys are being ignored and I am busy trying to avoid eye contact, less someone thinks I want to converse. I overhear most of the old hands talking about how they have such and such certification from PC Productivity or which ever "school" is currently handing out IT Certifications. Evidently I am the only one here that isn't a professional computer temp. I point out that I will have my certification in about two years. They are amazed and ask what certificate takes that long.
"I will be a certified Funeral Director/Embalmer"
silence followed by more uncomfortable silence. Well, I have now guaranteed my place as group outsider.


At about 10:30 the project manager comes back. We get our ID badges and then are told to go to lunch and meet back at the lunchroom at noon. At about 1 o'clock he returns. We still haven't done anything even resembling work. Some people are griping, but most of us just want to go home at this point. Sure, we are getting paid to do nothing, but nothing is damn boring for 5 hours. He announces that we have a work room! So we get up and walk another 25 miles through the maze they call a building to our new home. It's in the middle of a production floor, so in order to get there we need safety glasses. Which take another half hour to produce. Our "office" is nothing more then an air conditioned box in the middle of the building. It's nice, in a super cooled bunker sort of way. We get settled in, choosing our chairs carefully. I can't help but notice the lack of computers. Or phones. For a helpdesk support project.


The manager also notices the lack and goes out o make some calls. 2, count them, 2 hours later we all have laptops. Still no phones, but you can't have everything. The manager's cell phone rings again and he is off. We sit there and play with the new toys. Thank god for internet access. Five minutes before we are scheduled to go home, the manager returns with a jump drive filled with info we need on our machines. A jump drive that doesn't want to synch with anyone's laptop. He grumbles and decides to call it a day.

I walk the nine miles to the exit only to be foiled by the exit itself. Seems that in order to leave this building, you have to punch a button to unlock a revolving door for a rotation. It takes a few minutes for me to figure this out. I finally defeat the door and head home.

Normally this is where these sort of stories end. Not mine. I got home just in time to take a phone call from another company offering to hire me on permantly. For a few dollars more an hour then the 6 week temp assignment. I happily accept it and begin drafting my resignation letter to the temp service.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I have been convinced to start a new blog. So here it is.